The RUGGEDCOM RS400F is an industrially hardened, serial device server with an integrated, fully managed, Ethernet switch, designed to operate reliably in electrically harsh and climatically demanding environments. 4 port serial server, 4 port managed Eth
The RUGGEDCOM RS400F is an industrially hardened, serial device server with an integrated, fully managed, Ethernet switch, designed to operate reliably in electrically harsh and climatically demanding environments. 4 port serial server, 4 port managed Eth
The RUGGEDCOM RS400F is an industrially hardened, serial device server with an integrated, fully managed, Ethernet switch, designed to operate reliably in electrically harsh and climatically demanding environments. 4 port serial server, 4 port managed Ethernet switch and an optional V.90 modem. CC Compliant.
Compliance with the substance restrictions according to RoHS directive:
RoHS, соответствует с: 01.10.13
Класс продукта:
C: products manufactured / produced to order, which cannot be reused or re-utilised or be returned against credit.
Категория Обязательства для того, чтобы возвратить электрооборудование и электронное оборудование после использования:
REACH ст. 33 Обязанность информировать в соответствии с текущим списком кандидатов:
Заказной Номер (Артикл):
Описание Продукта:
The RUGGEDCOM RS400F is an industrially hardened, serial device server with an integrated, fully managed, Ethernet switch, designed to operate reliably in electrically harsh and climatically demanding environments. 4 port serial server, 4 port managed Ethernet switch and an optional V.90 modem. CC Compliant.
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