Standard operating units can be integrated in a panel or can be used as handheld units. Cleartext backlit display is easy to understand and easy to use with additional symbols for the various functions. Depending on the type of controller used, the operating unit has different hot-key buttons for quick access to functions. Operating units in single packs are delivered with connecting cable and backplate. When ordering multipacks, cable (AVS82.491/109) and backplate (AVS92.290/109) need be ordered separately. Various languages are supported.
Standard operating units can be integrated in a panel or can be used as handheld units. Cleartext backlit display is easy to understand and easy to use with additional symbols for the various functions. Depending on the type of controller used, the operating unit has different hot-key buttons for quick access to functions. Operating units in single packs are delivered with connecting cable and backplate. When ordering multipacks, cable (AVS82.491/109) and backplate (AVS92.290/109) need be ordered separately. Various languages are supported.
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