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FDOOT241-8 арт: Извещатель мультисенсорный (FDnet/MS8/PMT)

FDOOT241-8 арт: Извещатель мультисенсорный (FDnet/MS8/PMT)

Бренд: Siemens


Обновлено: : 07.11.2023

Цена: Запрос »
For the early detection of flaming fires caused by the combustion of liquid and solid matter, as well as smoldering fires. For the early and reliable fire detection in environments with deceptive phenomena. Addressable application possible, for the step-by-step modernization from MS8 to SintesoTM FDnet.
Works according to the scattered light principle with two sensors, optical forward and backward scattering. Opto-electronic sampling chamber holds off blocks disturbing extraneous light but optimally detects both dark and light smoke particles. Two additional heat sensors increase the fire detector’s immunity to deceptive phenomena. Selectable detection behavior thanks to application-specific ASA parameter sets.
The base or the base adapter must be ordered separately.
Also available in different colors.


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Краткое описание

For the early detection of flaming fires caused by the combustion of liquid and solid matter, as well as smoldering fires. For the early and reliable fire detection in environments with deceptive phenomena. Addressable application possible, for the step-by-step modernization from MS8 to SintesoTM FDnet.
Works according to the scattered light principle with two sensors, optical forward and backward scattering. Opto-electronic sampling chamber holds off blocks disturbing extraneous light but optimally detects both dark and light smoke particles. Two additional heat sensors increase the fire detector’s immunity to deceptive phenomena. Selectable detection behavior thanks to application-specific ASA parameter sets.
The base or the base adapter must be ordered separately.
Also available in different colors.

Класс IP:IP43
Название линейки:Sinteso
Рабочая влажность:до 95%
Рабочее напряжение:DC 16... 28 В
Рабочий ток:190…230 мА
Срок гарантии, лет:1
Страна происхождения:Швейцария
Температура окружающей среды, работа:-25...+70 C
Температура при хранении:-30...+75 C
Класс IP:IP43
Название линейки:Sinteso
Рабочая влажность:до 95%
Рабочее напряжение:DC 16... 28 В
Рабочий ток:190…230 мА
Срок гарантии, лет:1
Страна происхождения:Швейцария
Температура окружающей среды, работа:-25...+70 C
Температура при хранении:-30...+75 C
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