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RVS46.530/101 арт: Контроллер

RVS46.530/101 арт: Контроллер

Бренд: Siemens


Обновлено: : 07.11.2023

Цена: Запрос »
Zone controllers, used to extend Albatros controller functions via LPB bus. RVS46.. work as an individual controllers providing independent operation of the assigned control loop. All the necessary process signals are delivered via LPB, but the controller requires its own HMI (AVS37.. or QAA7x..) for usage and also its own RF module (AVS71..), if necessary. In addition to the controllers' own extension module limitations, these zone controllers can be used freely to extend the functions, e.g. with several additional heating circuits. Connectors (AGP4.. and AGP8..) are not included in the delivery.


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Краткое описание

Zone controllers, used to extend Albatros controller functions via LPB bus. RVS46.. work as an individual controllers providing independent operation of the assigned control loop. All the necessary process signals are delivered via LPB, but the controller requires its own HMI (AVS37.. or QAA7x..) for usage and also its own RF module (AVS71..), if necessary. In addition to the controllers' own extension module limitations, these zone controllers can be used freely to extend the functions, e.g. with several additional heating circuits. Connectors (AGP4.. and AGP8..) are not included in the delivery.

Логистическая информация

Линейка тепловых контроллеров:Albatros 2 (RVS)
Срок гарантии, лет:1
Тип устройства:Контроллеры
Линейка тепловых контроллеров:Albatros 2 (RVS)
Срок гарантии, лет:1
Тип устройства:Контроллеры
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