Electronic control and heat meter interface. Controls the room temperature through control of a valve, reads heat energy consumption from the connected M-bus heat meter, acquires pulses from third-party devices, stores data and communicates with other SYNERGYR devices via the building bus.
Controls the room temperature of the reference room in connection with the QAW... room unit through control of a zone and / or room valve
Central night setback
Boost heating and quick setback
Minimum and maximum limitation of the volumetric flow
Release of zone valve for DHW charging
Control of an apartment pump
Frost protection for the apartment
Periodic pump and valve kick
Reads the consumption data and measured values from the connected M-bus heat meters
Acquires pulses from third-party meters
Stores the meter readings on the set days and at the end of the months
Electronic control and heat meter interface. Controls the room temperature through control of a valve, reads heat energy consumption from the connected M-bus heat meter, acquires pulses from third-party devices, stores data and communicates with other SYNERGYR devices via the building bus.
Controls the room temperature of the reference room in connection with the QAW... room unit through control of a zone and / or room valve
Central night setback
Boost heating and quick setback
Minimum and maximum limitation of the volumetric flow
Release of zone valve for DHW charging
Control of an apartment pump
Frost protection for the apartment
Periodic pump and valve kick
Reads the consumption data and measured values from the connected M-bus heat meters
Acquires pulses from third-party meters
Stores the meter readings on the set days and at the end of the months
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