I/O modules, different number if I/Os: 6, 8, 14, 15 or 26. Each module offers specific combinations of inputs for each individual HVAC application. Power supply AC 24 V or DC 5 V for active sensors on board the modules. Straightforward addressing via easily accessible DIP switches. POL955, POL965 and POL985 also offer 8 universal I/Os for high level of flexibility. Reliable operation in case of power failure or communication breakdown, LEDs for operation and diagnostics.
I/O modules, different number if I/Os: 6, 8, 14, 15 or 26. Each module offers specific combinations of inputs for each individual HVAC application. Power supply AC 24 V or DC 5 V for active sensors on board the modules. Straightforward addressing via easily accessible DIP switches. POL955, POL965 and POL985 also offer 8 universal I/Os for high level of flexibility. Reliable operation in case of power failure or communication breakdown, LEDs for operation and diagnostics.
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